Bonavero Institute MOOC in partnership with UNESCO (2021)

The Bonavero team delivered its very first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on international standards of freedom of expression during the months of May and June.


The Bonavero team delivered its very first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on international standards of freedom of expression during the months of May and June. The MOOC was run in partnership with UNESCO who generously funded the project.  The course consisted of five Modules covering different aspects of freedom of expression, released weekly on the delivery platform EdX Edge. MOOC participants further benefitted from a series of webinars on different aspects of freedom of expression presented by Oxford academics. The MOOC was aimed at judges, prosecutors and legal practitioners all over the world. Nearly 3500 people from 167 different countries enrolled, a majority being from Africa, South America, and the Asia Pacific regions. The MOOC was administered by Dr Stefan Theil (Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Bonavero) with support from Dr Christos Kypraios (the Bonavero’s Research Manager), Mr Danilo B. Garrido Alves (a DPhil Law candidate in Oxford) and the UNESCO team: Ms Namara Burki (Associate Project Officer) and Mr Mehdi Benchelah (Senior Project Officer). Prof Kate O’Regan (Director of the Bonavero) and Guilherme Canela (UNESCO Chief of Section) oversaw the implementation. 
The Bonavero Team would like to thank everyone who participated and made the course a reality - we learned a lot from the experience and look forward to presenting more MOOCs on human rights issues in the future. For those who would like to take a look, the course materials are still available here for auditing purposes – however, please note that certificates will no longer be issued.