Recordings of the Virtual Workshop 'British-European Relations Post-Brexit: a Legal Kaleidoscope' now available online

The recordings of a virtual one-day workshop on Brexit have been made available online by the Institute of European and Comparative Law, which hosted the event via Zoom on Monday 21 September 2020. Building on two previous Brexit Symposia in February 2018 and March 2019, this workshop was entitled “British-European Relations Post-Brexit: A Legal Kaleidoscope”. After a welcome address by Eleanor Sharpston QC, it set out and discussed the potential and problems of Brexit in the three separate panels, which were dedicated to the (1) international/institutional, (2) commercial, and (3) personal/private dimensions. Panellists gave introductory statements to address their particular topic during the first half of each session, followed by substantive panel discussions, which included questions and comments from the audience. The entire workshop recordings are now available to watch online; written summaries of the presentations will be added in due course.

Watch the recordings here