Oxford Human Rights Hub shines a light on the human rights impact of COVID-19

The Oxford Human Rights Hub and team members continue to contribute to the ongoing discussion surrounding the human rights impact of COVID-19.

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The Hub has been publishing regular blogs on the human rights and equality implications of COVID-19, having published 17 to date from contributors all over the world. The Hub has also released three new RightsUp podcasts: one with Luisa Cabal on Defending Human Rights During a Global Pandemic: Lessons from UNAIDS, another with Professor Kalpana Kannabiran on The Need for Empathy: Understanding India’s COVID-19 Lockdown and lastly, one with Michael Ford QC on The Impact of Covid-19 on Workers’ Rights. These podcasts have been hugely popular, having hundreds of listeners within hours.

The Hub submitted reports to both the UK Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights and the Women and Equalities Committee on the topic of Gender Equality and COVID-19.

Professor Fredman is working with Dr Meghan Campbell (Deputy Director of the Hub) and Dr Aaron Reeves on an academic piece on COVID-19 and Inequality in the UK. Professor Fredman also been asked to contribute to the working group on ‘Sharing Economic Benefits’ of the United Nations High-level Political Forum, which is taking place online later this year.

Emilie McDonnell, Hub researcher, was a speaker in a recent webinar on Post COVID-19: Displacement - Lockdown When You Have No Home hosted by the Atlantic Institute, Atlantic Programs and Rhodes Trust. The podcast can be listened to here. Gautam Bhatia, Managing Blog Editor, did a video interview with Karan Thapar, an Indian journalist with The Wire, on Covid-19 and Constitutional Guarantees of Equality and Non-Discrimination. Mónica Arango Olaya, one of the RightsUp podcast hosts, taught a class at Los Andes University for first year law students on social rights, equality and COVID-19 in the context of Colombia.