Africa Regional Rounds in Johannesburg Completed!

Africa Regional Rounds in Johannesburg Completed!

Seventh and last in a row of the Regional Rounds for the 2019 Price Moot Court Competition to take place was Africa Regional Rounds,  hosted in partnership with University of Johannesburg, South Africa in Johannesburg. The organisation of this round, was led by our dear colleague Ms Nicole Stremlau.

We are proud that the rounds involved 23 universities in the written part of the competition and 12 different universities made it to oral rounds in Johannesburg  from Africa, from 7 different countries Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

The final results of the competition are available here.

The teams qualifying to the International rounds in Oxford are:

  • Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe
  • Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  • University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
  • University of Witwatersrand, South Africa