Dr Ying Yu addresses UN expert consultation meeting on consumer protection


On 29 November, Oxford One Belt One Road programme Deputy Director Dr Ying Yu was invited to address the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Consumer Protection in Geneva, Switzerland. The event, organised by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, was titled 'Emerging Consumer Protection Trends: Implementing the United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection'. The meeting sought expert input on the current consumer protection trends and challenges in policymaking and in the digital economy. The findings from the meeting will feed into the preparations for the Eighth United Nations Conference to Review All Aspects of the Multilaterally Agreed Priniples and Rules for the Control of Restrictive Business Practices to take place in 2020.

During the meeting, Dr Yu highlighted pressing concerns with regards to how to improve the current risky environment for consumers during cross-border trading in e-commerce and the digital market. One of the main issues put forth was the variability of laws among international jurisdictions and the difficulties consumers face in acquiring the necessary knowledge about foreign laws and how those apply to cross-border transactions. She invited feedback from other experts on several pertinent questions, including how to enhance consumers' understanding of the types of access to justice that are available to them, and identifying the appropriate dispute resolution schemes.

Dr Yu is a Research Fellow of Law, Justice and Society at the University of Oxford and the Director of the China Programme in the Foundation of Law, Justice and Society.  She also runs the Consumer Rights Beyond Boundaries programme based in Oxford's Law Faculty.