Call for papers: The Future of Refugee Law?

The deadline for submission is 8 January 2016

The inaugural Annual Conference of the Refugee Law Initiative (RLI) will take place from Wednesday 29 June to Friday 1 July 2016 in the elegant setting of the Senate House of the University of London. The selection committee is pleased to invite paper and panel proposals (of up to four papers) for the ‘thematic’ panels and for the ‘open’ panels. Please indicate clearly in the subject line and body of your email whether your proposal relates to the ‘thematic’ or the ‘open’ panels and whether it is for a single paper or a panel. Selection is competitive and proposals will be chosen based on quality, relevance to the field and (for ‘open’ panels) coherence with other submissions. We also invite proposals for poster presentations during the evening reception on the first day. High-quality proposals not accepted for the panel sessions may be offered a place on the poster session. Please indicate in the subject line and body of your email if you are proposing a poster for this session. Please send all proposals – whether for a paper or panel – to: The deadline for submission is 8 January 2016. A decision will be returned by 15 January 2016. The decision of the selection committee is final.