Why Arbitrate in Hong Kong

Event date
31 March 2021
Event time
08:00 - 11:00
Oxford week
Online via Zoom
Ms Teresa CHENG GBS SC JP [Secretary for Justice of the Hong Kong SAR of China]; Dr Anthony NEOH QC SC JP [Chairman of the Asian Academy of International Law]; and many leading practitioners from top firms
Famed for its solid legal framework, Hong Kong’s preponderant role as a leading international legal hub for deal-making and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region is evident to the world at large. With major corporations and institutions attracted to this harbour city located at the centre of the region, the law of Hong Kong has been favoured on countless occasions for its business-friendliness, not only enabling seamless operation procedures for investments but also yielding arbitration awards that are enforceable across many jurisdictions. It is beyond doubt that Hong Kong will continue to thrive and excel, capitalising on its fair, transparent, and independent legal system, the game-changing arrangements with the Mainland China as an irreplaceable gateway, the powerful financial infrastructure, the huge pool of talents offering a comprehensive range of top-tier and professional legal services, as well as the abundant opportunities brought forth by the vibrant capital market. Riding on the success of ‘Why Hong Kong Is Irreplaceable’, a series of four webinars is in the making, aiming to showcase the core strength of Hong Kong as an international legal, deal-making, and dispute resolution hub. Seasoned legal and business experts will be lending fresh perspectives to the well-known stamina of Hong Kong and at the same time, unveiling its lesser-known strengths. Come, join us on this expedition to know Hong Kong by the fact, not by the face!

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