Western Law Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference

Event date
18 - 19 May
Event time
09:15 - 17:30
Oxford week
Western Law invites graduate, post-graduate and recent graduate students from all disciplines to submit abstracts for its upcoming Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference. This year’s conference theme is “Law: Stagnation, Evolution or Revolution?” We encourage scholars to explore the status of law in an ever-changing world. Has law failed to keep pace with changing societies? Is the law progressive or regressive? Are there areas where law is evolving to address changes? Might the law be a tool for revolution, leading change in societies? Scholars are invited to identify, examine, and challenge the potential boundaries of law. We also strongly encourage abstracts which explore the intersection between law and other disciplines. We encourage scholars to think creatively about the conference theme and how their own research interests fit into it. Potential paper topics may address, but are by no means limited to, the following themes: -Environmental Regulation -LGBTQ rights; Same-sex marriage -Minority rights -Non-state actors (e.g., Business responsibility for human rights; Rebel groups in war) -Privacy -Refugee and migrant rights (e.g., European Union migrant crisis; Migrants at sea) -Religious freedoms -Technology ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Please e-mail your paper abstract to law.grad.conf@uwo.ca by January 27, 2017 11:59 p.m. EST with a copy of your CV and a 100-word bio. Abstracts should include the title of the paper, a 250-300 word abstract, the student's institutional affiliation, email address and phone number. Proposals should be suitable for a 15 minute presentation. Notification for successful papers will be announced by February 24, 2017. Papers to be submitted by May 12, 2017 11:59 p.m. EST. PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATION OPPORTUNITY: Papers will be reviewed by the Editorial Staff of the Western Journal of Legal Studies who will be selecting top papers for publication in the Journal’s Fall 2017 issue, provided the paper complies with the Journal’s publication format standards. REGISTRATION: Conference registration will open shortly after successful applicants have been notified. Registration fees will be payable by April 19, 2017. QUESTIONS? Please direct them to the conference organizers at law.grad.conf@uwo.ca

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