Victor Tadros - Treatment and Accountability (Roots of Responsibility ERC project special lecture #3)
Event date
21 May 2020
Event time
16:00 - 18:00
Oxford week
LIVE ONLINE SEMINAR - Please register below
Professor Victor Tadros
In each of the five years of the Roots of Responsibility ERC project , we have two special lectures by leading scholars in philosophy and law. The third lecture in this series will be given by Professor Victor Tadros (Warwick), and it will be streamed online via Zoom.
Professor Tadros's lecture is entitled ‘Treatment and Accountability’. He will argue that, concerning, the contrast between responsible and non-responsible conduct, ‘responsibility does not depend on responsiveness to reasons [as the standard view has it] but rather just on appropriate causal connections between a person’s values and attitudes and her actions’. The lecture will be of interest to researchers and students working on responsibility in law, philosophy, and other cognate areas.
For details of this lecture, see . All are welcome, but registration is essential; if you are interested in attending, please register from the Eventbrite page .