A Twenty-First Century Constitution for the UK

Event date
6 March 2018
Event time
Oxford week
Leonard Wolfson Auditorium Wolfson College
Frank Vibert

In this lecture, Frank Vibert (Senior Visiting Fellow at LSE Department of Government) will set out the case of his forthcoming book, Making a 21st Century Constitution: that constitutions no longer provide the kind of support needed by democracies confronted by the complex social and political conditions of the modern day.

He will apply his principles for twenty-first century constitution-making to the UK, in order to consider how a fully written UK constitution might best be framed. In doing so, he will offer a more radical and extensive set of proposals to those outlined in a 2017 lecture by A.C. Grayling, who spoke in favour of a written constitution to address particular problems such as the codification of more stringent rules for referendums.

For full details and to reserve your place, please visit: www.fljs.org/21st-century-constitution

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Socio-Legal Studies