Trump's Man on the Bench: Neil Gorsuch, Or How to Become a US Supreme Court Justice

Event date
15 March 2018
Event time
14:00 - 15:30
Oxford week
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies Room 341
Michael Dreyer

The newly founded Oxford Interdisciplinary Forum on Courts (OxonCourts) invites postgraduate students and researchers from all social sciences and law with an interest in courts, judges, and the judiciary to come along to our first event.

What role does Neil Gorsuch play on the US Supreme Court? How does he compare to his predecessor Antonin Scalia? What criteria have Presidents used in picking Supreme Court Justices? What are the personal, political, and ideological developments of recent appointees? These questions and more will be addressed by Professor Michael Dreyer in his talk, followed by a discussion with the participants. 

For queries, please contact the convenors:, or

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Socio-Legal Studies