Thinking Social Science on a World Scale
Event date
26 October 2021
Event time
09:00 - 10:30
Oxford week
MT 3
LIVE ONLINE SEMINAR - Please register below
Prof Raewyn Connell

Please note that registrations will close at 23.45 BST on 25 October. If you want to register after this time please contact the event organiser.
Speaker biography
Raewyn Connell is Professor Emerita, University of Sydney, and Life Member of the National Tertiary Education Union. She has taught in several countries and is a widely-cited sociological researcher, the author of Gender & Power, Masculinities, and Southern Theory. Her recent books include The Good University and GĂȘnero em termos reais. Her work has been translated into twenty languages. Raewyn has been active in the labour movement, the peace movement, and work for gender equality. Details at and Twitter @raewynconnell.