The Terrorism of Everyday Crime

Event date
21 February 2019
Event time
16:00 - 18:30
Oxford week
Centre for Criminology Seminar Room
Prof. Juliet Stumpf

Two true tales exemplify an approach to regulation of migration that yokes everyday criminality to the pulse-quickening call of national security. They illuminate a shift in perspective from the view that terrorism arises beyond the border to the notion that national security resides terrifyingly within the everyday, domestic business of criminal justice. Crimmigration and securitization in everyday life is the meat of the conversation about the direction of our society and the status of racialized communities. Three theories light the pathways of this dialogue: crimmigration, border criminology, and enemy penology. They sort out the ways that the international conversation about globalization, nationalism, sovereignty and pluralism is threaded through with the dialogue about migration, national security and crime control. 

You can see the event poster here

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