The Sustainable Development Goals, Inequality and the UN Human Rights Mechanisms: Patterns of Engagement
Dr Steven Jensen, of the Danish Institute for Human Rights, will discuss sustainable development goals, inequality and the UN human rights mechanisms.

An audio recording of this event is available to listen to on Soundcloud
Steven L. B. Jensen is a Senior Researcher at The Danish Institute for Human Rights. Before joining the Danish Institute in 2007, he held positions with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and with UNAIDS based in Geneva. He has worked extensively with topics such as HIV/AIDS, national human rights institutions and development. He holds a PhD from the University of Copenhagen and is the author of The Making of International Human Rights. The 1960s, Decolonization and the Reconstruction of Global Values (CUP 2016) which in 2017 won the prizes both for Best Book on Human Rights and Best Book on International Organisation from the International Studies Association. Among his most recent publications is a co-edited volume Histories of Global Inequality: New Perspectives (Palgrave Macmillan 2019). He is a visiting researcher at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights during the autumn 2019.