A Study of Economic, Cultural, and Political Causes of Police Corruption in Pakistan

Event date
11 October 2021
Event time
11:00 - 12:00
Oxford week
MT 1
Online - Zoom Meeting
Nadeem Malik - Senior Lecturer at University of Melbourne & Tariq Abbas - Police force of Pakistan

There is a dearth of studies on police corruption that have analysed the correlation of economic, cultural, and political causes of police corruption in Pakistan; therefore, the existing studies fail to provide such a holistic picture of the phenomenon. It is claimed that police corruption in Pakistan is a politicized, institutionalized, and a legitimized phenomenon. The police force entrenched in a kinship-based patron–client social and political culture benefits the political elite to use the police force for controlling the electorate and political opponents. The policy reforms for curbing police corruption have failed and cannot be successful without a strong political will of the political elite.

Nadeem Malik is a Senior Lecturer in Developement Studies at the University of Melbourne, and Tariq Abbas Qureshi is a serving police officer of the Police Service of Pakistan. The authors of this paper will talk about their qualitative study of police forces in Pakistan. 


The zoom link for the event can be found here: 





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