Strategic litigation in practice: sharing experiences, identifying opportunities and building the international community of practice
This conference is being organised by Oxfam together with the University of Oxford Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and the Oxford Human Rights Hub and will bring together academics, legal practitioners, NGOs, community activists and funders to discuss some of the practical concerns, opportunities and challenges around using strategic litigation as a tool to achieve change.
One of the key aims of this conference is to work towards building an international community of practice of all those involved in strategic litigation. We look forward to learning from the experiences of the diverse group of participants and to some lively discussions about community building.
Sessions include:
- The ethic and politics of strategic litigation
- Strategic litigation as a route to remedies and community empowerment
- Different models of strategic litigation: test cases, group actions and the use of non-judicial remedies
- Defensive uses of strategic litigation – defending the defenders, SLAPP suits and protecting civic space
- The geography of strategic litigation: north-north; south-north and south-south litigation
- Litigating against parties outside your countries and the use of regional and international fora
- Opportunities and challenges in financing strategic litigation and building the international community of practice
The event will be opened by Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, Principle of Mansfield College
View the full conference agenda
NOTE: some sessions will be open to students. If you are a student interested in attending please email for more information.