Solicitor Vacation Schemes & Training Contracts: Application Tips (Employer Led)

Event date
21 October 2021
Event time
11:00 - 12:00
Oxford week
MT 2
Microsoft Teams. Link to be circulated 24hrs before event.
Law vacation schemes
Our Careers Advisers (with a special interest in legal careers) will be here to guide you through how you can tackle application forms for vacation schemes and training contracts with more confidence.  We will provide you with practical tips and highlight relevant resources for you. There will be plenty of time for you to ask questions.

Further information

Additional instructions

The Link will be sent via email 24 hours prior to the event.  If you have any questions regarding this or any of our events please email

Please note that these sessions are not recorded.

Staff Member

Juliet Tomlinson


Oxford University Careers Service



Employability Skill(s)

Business Awareness, Communication , Planning


THU, OCT 21, 2021

11:00 - 12:00

Microsoft Teams

This is a virtual event taking place in Microsoft Teams. You will receive a link 24 hours prior to the event.

You do not have permission to book events online

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Professional Development