The Socialization of Anti-Corruption in China
Mandarin Forum
The Socialization of Anti-corruption in China
Dr Jiaming Zou
In recent years, China has launched a vigorous anti-corruption campaign, which is mainly manifested in the severe punishment of crimes of corruption through judicial organs. However, the Chinese government has failed in producing effective measures to prevent corruption. Dr Zou illustrates this phenomenon from China's history of anti-corruption, the status-quo, and useful attempts emerging in the current society. She suggests that corruption is a social issue and the anti-corruption effectiveness should be undertaken by the whole society. Dr Jiaming Zou, Senior Partner and Director of the Criminal Defence Research Center at King & Capital Law Firm, specializes in criminal defence, especially in finance-related areas. She received a PHD in Law from Wuhan University and conducted postdoctoral research at the College of Criminal Law Science, Beijing Normal University, where she published more than 20 professional essays and served as a key member at the G20 Anti-Corruption Pursuit and Recovery Center. She was also an Academic Visitor at University of Oxford in Hilary Term 2019.
1:00-2:00, June 7, 2019
Lucina Ho Room, Dickson Poon University of Oxford China Centre Building
Mandarin Presentation Bilingual PPT
Convenor: Dr Annie Hongping Nie
邹佳铭 博士
中国近几年开展了轰轰烈烈的反腐运动,主要表现为司法对腐败犯罪的严厉惩治,但是政府在预防方面却没有明显有效举措。邹佳铭律师从中国反腐的历史沿革、现状以及社会中涌现的有益尝试进行分享,提出腐败是一个社会问题,应该全社会共同参与的观点。邹佳铭法学博士,北京市京都律师事务所高级合伙人,京都刑事辩护研究中心主任,G20反腐败追逃追赃研究中心兼职研究员。邹佳铭律师1996年取得律师资格,1997年开始执业。2002年至2009年脱产学习,获武汉大学刑法学博士。2009年至2012年在北京师范大学刑事法律科学研究院做博士后研究期间,发表学术论文20多篇,专著一部。现为专职刑辩律师,同时兼任高校刑法学硕士导师和清华大学金融学院EMBA班授课老师。邹佳铭律师专业领域是刑事辩护,多次接受《人民网》《财新》《新京报》《法治晚报》《凤凰周刊》等媒体采访,为《财新网》观点栏目和《新浪财经》意见领袖专栏作家,也经常在全球顶尖的媒体《财富》(中文版)上发表专栏文章。邹佳铭律师也是"ALB2015年最佳女律师"和”ALB 2017年中国十五佳诉讼律师”。