Shearman & Sterling Re-start event - Application deadline 8th April

Event date
27 April 2016
Event time
10:00 - 16:00
Oxford week
Shearman & Sterling LLP

If you or a friend are considering changing careers to law, then read on!  Shearman & Sterling will be running an event for career changers; Re-Start is a one-day structured programme which will inform and educate on the pathway to law, what firms look for in candidates and how you can harness all those transferable skills into those of a city lawyer. 

If you would like to attend Re-Start on Wednesday 27 April, please send your CV and cover letter outlining your interest in the event to by Friday 08 April.

During the application process we will be looking at:

•       Your academic performance to date

•       Your work experience to date

•       Your interest in and motivation for a legal career

•       What you would like to achieve from the programme

Please note that you are only eligible for Re-Start if you have previously commenced a full time job in a different industry to law.

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