Sexual harassment at work: Reflections on its nature and persistence and on the changing legal landscape (Sandra Fredman and Laura Cox in Conversation)
2019 marks the 100th anniversary of the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919, which made it possible for women to qualify as barristers or solicitors for the first time. We are delighted to be collaborating with the Association of Women Judges and the First 100 Years project to celebrate this anniversary and to tell the stories of some of the women who have studied law at Oxford, both in the early years and more recently.
Professor Sandra Fredman is Director of the Oxford Human Rights Hub (OxHRH) and Rhodes Professor of the Laws of the British Commonwealth and the USA at Oxford University. She has acted as an expert adviser on equality law and labour legislation in the EU, Northern Ireland, the UK, India, South Africa, Canada and the UN; and is a barrister practising at Old Square Chambers.
Dame Laura Cox is a High Court judge of the Queen's Bench Division and former head of Cloisters Chambers. As a barrister she specialised in employment law, discrimination and human rights and recently led an independent enquiry into bullying and harrassment of staff in the House of Commons, publishing her report in October 2018.
This lecture is a joint OxHRH event in collaboration with the Association of Women Judges to celebrate 100 years of women lawyers. It will take place in the Gulbenkian Lecture Theatre at the St Cross Building in Oxford.
The Association is launching the celebration of 100 years of women lawyers with an event at the Supreme Court, followed by 3 regional lectures with an academic and a women judge discussing a theme. This lecture is part of that 3-part series and focuses on the failures of discrimination and harassment laws to secure safe work places for women.
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