Seminar Series on the Global Dimension of Competition Law - Fridays, 12h15-14h00, Weeks 5-7, HT

Event date
16 February 2018
Event time
Oxford week
Centre for Competiton Law and Policy
Rachel Brandenburger

Almost every day, we read or hear about an enforcement action being taken by a competition agency somewhere around the world – in Europe, North America, Asia, Africa or Latin America.  An investigation may be opened, a search undertaken, a fine or prohibition imposed, or a settlement reached.

Today’s world of over 120 competition law regimes spread all around the world is a far cry from 100 years ago when only the US and Canada had competition (or antitrust) laws – or 60 years ago when the European Union’s competition law regime was established - or even 16 years ago when the International Competition Network was set up with only 14 signatories.

This global explosion of competition law enforcement - especially in emerging jurisdictions such as China - is a game changer. It is having an impact on the development of competition law and policy around the world, as well as on business practices, customers, and employees. Businesses are adjusting their strategies and risk assessments to take account of these changes, and policy makers and scholars are debating whether or not the competition laws and policies in the newer jurisdictions are - or can be – or should be - consistent with those of the longer established regimes such as those in Europe and the USA.

The seminar series explores these global trends by discussing a selection of landmark decisions and judgments, and the growing number of protocols, policy statements and other forms of guidance that increasingly characterize the global enforcement of competition law enforcement.

Seminars will be led by Rachel Brandenburger a former Special Advisor, International, to the US Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division and a private practitioner with many years of experience in international competition law. Rachel is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute of European and Comparative Law/Centre for Competition Law and Policy.

Seminars will cover the following areas:

1. Global cooperation  (16 February, 12h15-14h00)

2. Antimonopoly law and enforcement in China (23 February, 12h15-14h00)

3. Rise of non-competition law factors, and the future of global competition law (2 March, 12h15-14h00)


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Competition Law