Research Visitor Seminar: “A New History of the Nuremberg Trials: Figuring Women and Others into the Narrative”
Diane Marie Amann, Research Visitor at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights will present on the following:
Conventional accounts of the post-World War II Nuremberg trials construct a narrative of heroic prosecutors and villainous defendants–all of them men, and all Europeans or Americans of European heritage. This paper focuses on others at Nuremberg; primarily, on women, considered in relation to traits like sex, gender, nationality, ethnicity, race, religion, ideology, class, experience, and socioeconomic status. Women served as prosecutors and defense counsel, as defendants and witnesses, and as journalists, analysts, interpreters, and administrators. This scholarship establishing women’s places at Nuremberg falls within what has been called the turn toward history in international law, and is aided by theories of history from below, of collective memory, and of the societal role of the trial process. The inquiry may help reshape not only the Nuremberg narrative, but also contemporary understandings of the ongoing international criminal justice project.
Prof Amann will be in conversation with Prof Dapo Akande of Blavatnik School.

Diane Marie Amann is Emily and Ernest Woodruff Chair in International Law and Faculty Co-Director of the Dean Rusk International Law Center at the University of Georgia School of Law in Athens, Georgia. She serves as the Special Adviser to the International Criminal Court Prosecutor on Children in and affected by Armed Conflict. Currently, Professor Amann is in residence at Oxford University, as a Visiting Researcher at the Oxford Law Faculty’s Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and as a Visiting Fellow at Mansfield College.
This event is co-hosted with the Oxford Transitional Justice Research Network