Regulations and the Common Good

Event date
4 June 2021
Event time
15:00 - 16:15
Oxford week
TT 6
Online via Zoom
Ryan Meade

This is a series of four lectures by Ryan Meade of Blackfriars Hall and the Aquinas Institute exploring 'regulations' and 'secondary legislation' from a common good framework. The lectures incorporate various ideas discussed during The Comon Good Project's 'Conversation Series' during Hilary and Trinity Terms. The papers will examine, among other topics, delegated authority, parameters in drafting regulations, promulgating secondary legislation without approval of the legisilature or by implicit acceptance of the legislature, and the moral grounding of regulations. 

The four lectures will be held:

4 June 2021: Revisiting the Morality of Law in Regard to Regulations
11 June 2021: The Common Good and the Metaphysics of Law
17 June 2021: Regulating Human Acts Without the (Meaningful) Approval of Legislative Bodies
18 June 2021: The Common Good as Orientation for Regulations

Time: 3.00-4.15pm

The last lecture on 18 June will include a panel of responders to be announced soon.

These four lectures are part of The Common Good Project and co-sponsored by the Aquinas Institute. The Project seeks to foster a discussion of the relationship between law and the common good, including presenting different perspectives on the question, 'What is the common good?" 

Ryan Meade is a Research Fellow of Blackfriars Hall at the University of Oxford and a member of the Aquinas Institute at Blackfriars. He focuses on jurisprudence, philosophy, administrative law, and health care law. He is a Convener of The Common Good Project.

Please register here.