Regulating Human Enhancement Technologies

Event date
17 - 18 August
Event time
00:00 - 00:00
Oxford week
St Anne's College

This is the third workshop held as part of the AHRC-funded NeuroLaw Network project. The Network brings together legal academics, scientists and philosophers interested in the regulation of new 'human enhancement' technologies, such as cognition-improving pharmaceuticals, chemical enhancement in embryo development and hormonal techniques for increasing physical strength. The Network comprises researchers from the Universities of Oxford, Bristol, Tilburg, Hamburg, Pavia, Padova, Georgia State, Utah, and King’s College London.

This workshop will include panel discussions and paper presentations from network members exploring the following topics:

  • Parallels between the enhancement debate and issues in disability / trait selection (PGD) debates.
  • Product liability issues with enhancement devices
  • Possible frameworks for approaching regulatory questions in the context of enhancement
  • Human rights issues (particularly relating to bodily integrity, privacy (Article 8)
  • Data protection, privacy and device-hacking questions
  • Defining enhancement for the purposes of regulation
  • Criminal law issues and responsibility for crimes committed in cyber-space or via/towards robotic avatars

Members of the University are welcome to attend. Please contact Imogen Goold for information.


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