Reading Group: Ecofeminism vs Sexual Violence

Event date
27 January 2021
Event time
18:00 - 19:00
Oxford week
Online via Microsoft Teams
Reading Group: Ecofeminism vs Sexual Violence
"How did a lesbian-feminist from Baltimore end up rehabbing roosters in a rural chicken yard? Just like the old joke, it all started with a chicken crossing a road."
Join us for this event co-hosted with the Feminist Jurisprudence Discussion Group in which we will discuss the following 10-page chapter: Pattrice Jones, 'Fighting Cocks: Ecofeminism versus Sexualized Violence' in Lisa A. Kemmerer (ed), Sister Species: Women, Animals and Social Justice (University of Illinois Press 2011). You can read the text in advance and join the meeting at 6:15pm, or you can join at 6pm and we will give you a few minutes to read the text.
A link to the event and a copy of the chapter will be circulated to everyone on the mailing list a few days in advance. In order to sign up for this list, please email

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