Provincializing Polanyi: The Colonial Roots of Modern Labour Markets and Labour Law
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Economic sociology, in particular, a Polanyian critique of political economy, has facilitated an understanding of markets as social and political constructs. To this, economic sociology of law, in undertaking a sociological analysis of the role of law in economic life, enables us to appreciate law’s constitutive role in markets and other forms of economic activity.

Diamond Ashiagbor is an interdisciplinary legal scholar whose work spans labour, development, economic sociology of law, and law and the humanities. She teaches and researches on labour law, trade and development, regional integration (the European Union and the African Union), human rights, equality and multiculturalism. She has recently edited the collection, Re-imagining labour law for development: informal work in the global North and South, 2019. Diamond is Professor of Law at the University of Kent and was previously Professor of Labour Law at SOAS University of London. She is a graduate of the University of Oxford (BA) and the European University Institute (PhD) and was a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Oxford (IECL and Worcester College). Diamond has been the recipient of a US-EU Fulbright Research Award; a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship; and a Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship. She has held visiting positions at Columbia Law School, Melbourne Law School, and Osgoode Hall. She is a member of the editorial board of Feminist Legal Studies, the London Review of International Law, and of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Advisory Board.