Private Law Research Group Workshop and Annual Meeting
Event date
20 June 2022
Event time
10:45 - 13:45
Oxford week
TT 9
Faculty Members
Postgraduate Students
New Seminar Room St John's College
Any members of the Faculty of Law and PGR students interested in private law are very welcome to attend this workshop which will also include the annual meeting of the Private Law Research Group.
The workshop will allow presenters to receive feedback on some of their work in progress. The schedule is:
10.45am: Tea/coffee/biscuits
11am: Susan Bright & Fabiana Bettini (UCL): Understanding 21st Century High-Rise Residential Buildings in England
11.50am: Break
12 noon: Sandy Steel & Alex Georgiou: Remedies and the Public Interest
12.50: Break
1pm: Lunch and Research Group meeting
1.45pm: Tea/coffee/cake and visit to college gardens