The Popularity of Newer Racisms: Justifications, Excuses and Re-defined Borders

Event date
26 April 2018
Event time
Oxford week
The Old Library - All Souls College
Dr. Tina Patel

This paper will discuss some of the processes and consequences of newer racisms in contemporary society, based on Dr Tina Patel's paper. In arguing that we have recently witnessed a surge in the popularity of racism (under which I also include Islamophobia and xeno-phobia), the paper argues that racist ideology continues to thrive despite claims to a post-race state. Post-race racism, this paper argues, has drawn on simmering post-colonial fears, about the dangerous ‘black’ body, and harnessed more recent public anxieties around immigration and security, in order to justify and excuse racially defined practices. This is especially evident within those institutions charged with crime-prevention work.


Dr Tina G. Patel is a senior lecturer in Criminology at the University of Salford. Tina’s research and teaching interests relate to race/racism, surveillance and crime prevention, and, discrimination in the criminal justice system. Tina specialises in undertaking qualitative research with excluded communities, who have often been presented as problematic and deviant. Tina has a number of publications in these areas, including ‘Race, Crime and Resistance’ (2011) and ‘Race and Society’ (2017).


Tea and coffee will be available from 3pm.


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