PLP Colloquium: Alison Hills (Philosophy) engages with Nomy Arpaly (Brown)

Event date
24 February 2022
Event time
Oxford week
HT 6
Members of the University
Please email for the Zoom link
Nomy Arpaly

The Oxford Philosophy, Law, and Politics Colloquium is an interdisciplinary colloquium series that brings together theorists from philosophy, law, politics and beyond to discuss works-in-progress by distinguished visiting scholars.

Nomy Arpaly will be engaging with Alison Hills, discussing her work-in-progress paper ‘On Being Blameless Among One’s Contemporaries’, which will be circulated to all those who register for the event. Those unable to read the paper in advance are nevertheless welcome to attend as a summary of the paper will be given.

Prof. Arpaly received her PhD from Stanford University in 1998. She taught at the University of Michigan and at Rice University before going to Brown in 2003. Her main research interests include ethics, moral psychology, action theory, and free will.

Accompanying the colloquium will be an Oxford PLP Seminar for students during which the paper and any other relevant material to the colloquium will be discussed. The seminar will take in person in the Butler Room, University College, 22 February, 3-5pm GMT. Please email if you wish to register for the seminar.

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