People on the Move in an Era of Climate Change: Obstacles and Opportunities: discussion featuring Professor Jane McAdam & Asad Rehman

Event date
1 June 2016
Event time
Oxford week
The Old Library - All Souls College



People on the Move in an Era of Climate Change: Obstacles and Opportunities

Location: Old Library, All Souls College

Time and date: 12:30-2:00pm, June 1, 2016

Coffee and Tea will be provided

A Discussion featuring:

Professor Jane McAdam

Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, University of New South Wales

Asad Rehman

Friends of the Earth Climate Campaign

A launch event for:

 Oxford Climate Migration Network


A new Oxford-based network bringing together researchers and advocates across disciplines to propose creative approaches to assist and protect the rights of people who are forced to move in the context of climate change.





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