Oxford Children's Rights and Fiction & Human Rights Networks: King Matt the First by Janusz Korczak

Event date
27 February 2019
Event time
12:30 - 13:45
Oxford week
Bonavero Institute of Human Rights - Gilly Leventis Meeting Room
Dr Mariela Neagu and Zuzanna Parczewska

Oxford Children's Rights Network and the Fiction & Human Rights Network are co-hosting a discussion of the iconic children's novel, King Matt the First , by the Polish children's rights campaigner and activist, Janusz Korczak.

Published in 1923, King Matt the First, continues to be read all over the world. What does this quirky but unforgettable novel  have to say -- either to young people or to adults -- about children's rights both during the turbulence of the early to mid twentieth century, when it first appeared in print,  and today?All are welcome; no registration required.  A sandwich lunch will be provided. 

Zuzanna Parczewska is a sixth former in her first year of studying for the IB at St Clare's, Oxford.

Dr Mariela Neagu is a researcher at The Rees Centre for Research in Fostering and Education, University of Oxford, and has previously served as Secretary  of State, The National Authority for Children’s Rights, Romania. 

Network convenors/contacts: Tessa Roynon and Jonathan Herring (Fiction and Human Rights Network) Penny Ehrhardt and Charlotte Kelly (Children's Rights Network) 

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