OxBHR in conversation with Sophie Brill

Event date
14 November 2018
Event time
12:30 - 14:00
Oxford week
Gilly Leventis Meeting Room - Bonavero Institute of Human Rights
Sophie Brill

Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD), the process of identifying, preventing, mitigating and accounting for adverse human rights impacts arising from a company's operations, is a core principle of the corporate responsibility to respect human rights introduced in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We usually think of HRDD as a practice of for-profit entities, such as big corporations: they should exercise due diligence to identify human rights risks and avoid human rights impacts.

Non-profits, too, engage in "transnational business relations." They source products, employ people across the world, and deal with complex supply chains, be it at a different scale compared to large corporations. How do they go about the process of HRDD? What can and should the role of non-profits be in the implementation of the UNGPs?

Sophie Brill, Corporate Responsibility Manager at Oxfam GB, will join OxBHR for a discussion on HRDD in the non-profit sector.

A free sandwich lunch will be provided.

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Human Rights Law