OCRN event: The Contemporary Politics of Child Protection

Event date
9 November 2016
Event time
12:30 - 14:00
Oxford week
Manor Road Building - Seminar Room E
Professor Nigel Parton

On Wednesday W5, join the Oxford Children's Rights Network for the third of our lunchtime seminars. Professor Nigel Parton (Foundation NSPCC Chair in Applied Childhood Studies, University of Huddersfield) will be speaking on the subject "The Contemporary Politics of Child Protection"

The event will take place on Wednesday 9th November (Week 5) 12.30-2pm in Seminar Room E in the Manor Road Building. A sandwich lunch will be provided. RSVP is kindly requested, for catering purposes; please visit http://bit.ly/ocrnlunch to indicate your attendance and preferences.

[The Children's and Family Law Discussion Group is advertising this discussion seminar on behalf of the Oxford Children's Rights Network.]

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Family Law