First Annual One Belt One Road Summit

Event date
13 - 14 September
Event time
10:00 - 17:00
Oxford week
Gulbenkian Lecture Theatre

The One Belt One Route – the New Silk Road -  opens the way to a long-term programme of widespread international coordination and cooperation. With many nations already taking part, the opportunities, the outcomes, and the risks are many and varied. OBOR embraces two distinct areas of importance, one involving trade, business, and finance, the other the cultural heritage of the nations along the new Silk Road. The need for a legal, regulatory, and adjudicative framework for the many subjects covered is apparent, especially considering their inherently cross-border character and the potential of e-commerce.

Against that legal framework, the aim of this summit is to provide a forum for the examination of the range of subjects arising within or related to the development of the OBOR initiative.

  • The first day is devoted to a broad analysis of OBOR, its legal and regulatory framework, its international dimensions, and its reception across the nations along the New Silk Road.
  • The second day examines a range of subjects more closely in an informal setting, as listed below. 

The purpose of the OBOR Summit is to provide a forum where leading international scholars, practitioners, industry professionals, and policy-makers can come together to present and discuss current developments concerning OBOR, the challenges facing it, and its future directions.

The OBOR Summit is brought to you by the Oxford University OBOR Programme.

It will begin at 10am on Wednesday 13th September and end at 5pm on Thursday 14th September.

An overview of the conference programme can be found below:

Day 1 Plenary Sessions

1. Opening Remarks
2. Selected issues arising from OBOR
3. The Legal and Regulatory Issues Arising from OBOR
4. World Responses to OBOR

Day 2 Panels Discussions

1. Legal Infrastructure
2. Science: New Horizons
3. Art, Culture, and Media
4. Consumer Protection
5. DIgital Economy

For registration and payment, please visit the event Registration page.

For all enquiries, please contact us at

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Socio-Legal Studies