"No Place for a Rebel": Film Screening and Discussion

The documentary "No Place for a Rebel" bears witness to the grim reality of former rebels who try to break the mold after their return to civil society. In a conflict we prefer to draw a clear line between victims and perpetrators so we can hold those who are responsible accountable. The reality however is much more complex. This film explores what it is to be a survivor in a place where you don’t know the codes and conventions. Where your neighbors fear you as they have suffered from your violence. Where the people who became your friends and family remain in the bush fighting.
Speaker Biographies
Maartje Wegdam (director/cinematographer) started working as director and cameraperson for documentaries after graduating from the Documentary Media Studies graduate program at The New School in 2011. Maartje previously studied Communication and International Relations at the University of Amsterdam (MSc) and worked as a journalist for Dutch broadcasting corporations.
Ariadne Asimakopoulos (director/sound) has a background in Conflict Studies and Human Rights (MA). In 2010 she conducted research in northern Uganda on reintegration and justice in the case of people like Opono, who are both victim and perpetrators of violence. This research laid the foundation for No Place for a Rebel. Besides her work as a filmmaker, she works as a consultant and trainer in the field of youth, peace and conflict transformation.