Moving Beyond Punitivism: Anthropological Engagements with Punishment and State Failure

Event date
19 January 2017
Event time
15:30 - 17:00
Oxford week
Wharton Room All Souls College
Insa Koch

Please join us at 3:00pm for tea and biscuits for a 3:30pm start.

Recent commentary on the punitive turn has focused on the repressive nature of criminal justice policy. Yet, on a marginalised council estate (social housing project) in England, residents appropriate the state in ways that do not always align with the law. What is more, where the state fails to provide residents with the protection they need, residents mobilise informal violence that is condemned by the state. An ethnographic analysis of personalised uses of criminal justice questions the state-centric assumptions of order that have informed recent narratives of the punitive turn. It also calls for a reassessment of the relationship between democratic politics and criminal justice by drawing attention to popular demands that are not captured by a focus on punishment alone.

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