Middle Temple Open Day for Schools and Universities

Event date
25 March 2017
Event time
09:30 - 16:30
Oxford week
Middle Temple Hall

The event is held in the historic Middle Temple Hall and is highly recommended to Sixth Form and Undergraduate or GDL students who want to find out more about a career at the Bar in general and the Middle Temple in particular.

The programme starts with registration at 9.30 am and is expected to conclude by 4.30 pm.  A full programme will not be available until nearer the day, but examples of talks from previous years include “Becoming a Barrister; routes to qualification”, “Giving people a voice” and “Skills of a barrister: Public speaking. Confidence.”  Between sessions, there will be ample opportunity to look around some parts of the Inn and to speak to practitioners, judges and students currently undertaking the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC).  A sandwich lunch will be provided.  Visiting students are of course not obliged to attend all sessions.

Attendance is free but booking is essential as places are limited.  For further information and to request a place on the Open Day, please visit http://www.middletemple.org.uk/joining-the-inn/access-and-outreach/open-day

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis, with a cap for each institution, after which students will be added to a waiting list.  We recommend that any student interested in attending complete the online booking form as soon as possible.

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