Lighter, faster, tighter European regulatory innovation? Some ideas

Event date
17 April 2018
Event time
12:30 - 14:30
Oxford week
227 Rue de la Loi 1040 Brussels BELGIUM

We would like to invite you to a roundtable with Professor Christopher Hodges, University of Oxford and
Stephan Loerke, CEO at the World Federation of Advertisers.

There is new evidence from some successful pilots of novel approaches that profound transformations can be
made in regulatory reflexes, and that the results combine lower transaction costs, greater effectiveness and higher
levels of trust and satisfaction all round.

These changes have not been conceived and imposed on any philosophical platform. Rather, they have occurred in
day-to-day practice at ‘grass roots’ level by both regulators and companies. But at the same time these results are strongly underpinned by scientific research, empirical legal research and research into corporate governance.

We welcome you to join us on Tuesday 17 April from 12.30 to 14.30, in Fipra’s offices,
227 Rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels. A light networking lunch will be served (12.30-12.45) before kicking
off the roundtable.

The discussion will be held under the ‘Chatham House Rule’ and participation is by invitation only.

We very much hope you will be able to join us. Please do let us know by Wednesday 11 April by emailing​

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Socio-Legal Studies