Lecture by Lord Andrew Burrows QC: "Dreaming Spires to Supreme Court: Some Insights"

Event date
7 February 2022
Event time
Oxford week
HT 4
Faculty Members
Members of the University
Postgraduate Students
Undergraduate Students
TS Eliot Lecture Theatre at Merton College
Lord Andrew Burrows QC
On Monday 7 February the Right Honourable Lord Andrew Burrows QC will give the annual Halsbury lecture in Merton College. The topic of the lecture is “Dreaming Spires to Supreme Court: Some Insights”. Lord Burrows became a Justice of the Supreme Court in June 2020, becoming the first person to have been appointed direct from academia. The lecture will take place at 17:45-18.45 in the TS Eliot Theatre, Merton College. Doors will open at 17:30. The lecture is open to all within the University. No sign-up is required, but prompt arrival is recommended to ensure you can be seated. It is asked that face masks be worn.

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