Law Fair
Event date
9 November 2019
Event time
11:00 - 14:30
Oxford week
Examination Schools

- The Law Fair Booklet is now available, which will tell you which firms, chambers and legal eduation institutions will be attending. There will be aproximately 100 in total and it is likely to be busy so take time to read this in advance and you will be able to target organisations more efficiently.
- Our 3 legal careers advisers (Juliet, Lara and Julia) will be on the Careers Service stand throughout the day and will be happy to answer any of your questions regarding careers in the law, the application processes (CVs, Application forms, Interviews etc), how to build your experience or help navigating the fair. Just drop by - we will be at the top of the stairs in Exam Schools.
- We have 3 talks planned:
10:00 - Engaging with organisations as a disabled student ( all welcome but places must be booked on CareerConnect)
10:00 - Alumni and Researchers at the Fair (places must be booked on CareerConnect)
10:30 - Choosing a Law Firm or Chambers - all welcome, no need to book
- You will be able to pick up various legal publications at the fair such as the Handbook, the Chambers Student Guide and so on but bear in mind that these can be heavy to carry around with you all day so you may like to pick up your copies from the Careers Service in advance - all copies are free!
We look forward to seeing you there!