Law in Context Early Career Workshop

Event date
12 - 13 June
Event time
09:30 - 17:30
Oxford week
Centre for Socio-Legal Studies

The International Journal of Law in Context and the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies at the University of Oxford is hosting an early career workshop ​to be held in Oxford, June 12-13, 2017.

The purpose of this international workshop is to bring together scholars at a relatively early stage in their careers to support them in developing research projects and preparing publications to submit to scholarly journals in the field of socio-legal studies. During the workshop scholars will make a presentation, take part in discussion, and receive feedback on their work from senior research staff at the Centre and the editorial team of the Journal. The best papers presented at the workshop will be considered for publication in the International Journal of Law in Context.


Monday, 12 June

12.00 -12.35


Welcoming from Dr Marina Kurkchiyan and Professor Penelope Andrews

12.40 - 13.15

How to Publish in a Peer-Reviewed Journal

Session 1



Jessika Eichler   

Neo-Extractivist Controversies in Bolivia: Indigenous Perspectives on Global Norms


Owain Johnstone 

Law and the Transformation of the Everyday: A case study of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

14.40 - 15.00

Coffee break

Session 2



Serena Natile

The Inclusionary Legal Techniques of Mobile Money and their Gender Implications: the case of M-Pesa in Kenya


Joanna Botha

The Inter-Connection between Race and Law: Criminalising Racism in South Africa

16.20 - 16.30

Coffee break

Session 3


16.30 -17.10

Mohammad Zakaria Sabuj

Legitimacy of International Law in the use of force: a Socio-Legal factor towards higher pull of compliance


Eithne Dowds

Conceptualising the Harm of Rape in Conflict and Peace: A New Typology


Dinner in Wolfson College

Tuesday, 13 June

8.40 - 9.30

Breakfast in Manor Road

Session 4



Clare Patton

Multinationals, Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholders: Do Corporations Influence the Social Roles of Stakeholders?


Titilayo Adebola

Rethinking Plant Variety Protection in the Global South: Nigeria’s Odyssey in Focus

10.50 - 11.00

Coffee break

Session 5



Ciara Fitzpatrick

New Labour’s Approach to Social Security 1997 – 2010: A ‘New’ Social Contract


Jaime Lindsey

Giving Evidence and Participating in Court of Protection Proceedings: P’s Silence and Testimonial Injustice

12.20 - 13.00



Consultations with the staff and editors


Found within

Socio-Legal Studies