Law and the Whirligig of Time
At this meeting of the discussion group, Sir Stephen Sedley will discuss with Professor Aileen Kavanagh his new book 'Law and the Whirligig of Time', a collection of essays on law, history and the role of judges. It will not be necessary for participants to have read the book.

Sir Stephen Sedley, an honorary fellow of Mansfield College, was a judge of the Queen's Bench from 1992-8 and a lord justice of appeal from 1999-2011. On retirement from the bench he became a visiting professor of law at Oxford. He writes regularly on law for the London Review of Books.
Aileen Kavanagh, a Professor of Constitutional Law and Jeffrey Hackney Fellow and Tutor in Law at St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford. Professor Kavanagh is author of Constitutional Review under the UK Human Rights Act 1998 (CUP 2009) and has published widely in national and international journals in the fields of domestic and comparative constitutional law, human rights and constitutional theory.