Lack of independence or impartiality: challenges for arbitrators

Event date
16 February 2017
Event time
05:00 - 06:30
Oxford week
Christ Church College - Kennington Room

Alan Redfern (One Essex Court) is a highly experienced international commercial arbitrator. He has conducted over 100 international artbirations, convering a wide range variety of disputes. He has just stepped down as a Vice-President of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris. He is a former non-executive Director of the LCIA.  He is co-author of Redfern and Hunter on "International Arbitration", (sixth edition published in the autumn of 2015) and he devised the Redfern Schedule, which is now used in arbitral proceedings worldwide.

As part of the International Commercial Arbitration Senior Practitioner Lectures, Alan Redfern will present evidence and thoughts about how lack of independence or impartiality represent challenges for arbitrators (host: Genevieve Helleringer). All are welcome.  


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Commercial Law