'Killing and letting die: depicting a Brazilian policing duality’
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In his talk, Luiz will touch upon two aspects of policing and the police in Brazil. He will first discuss the high levels of homicide in the country and the lack of state intervention – be that punishment or mere investigation. He will then turn his attention to the police lethal action in the region. He will conclude by exploring the contradictions and complexities which emerge from the Brazilian duality of killing and letting die, and the challenges this poses for both theory production and policy making.
Luiz is a DPhil candidate in Criminology at the University of Oxford. His research focuses mainly on the conditions of possibility for mass incarceration in Brazil in times of re-democratisation and social inclusion.
Luiz is currently a Visiting Lecturer in Criminology at the University of Roehampton, having previously taught criminological themes, such as police killings, mass incarceration and the punitive turn, at the Curso Popular de Formação de Defensoras e Defensores Públicos. He is also a Research Assistant at the Oxford Centre for Criminology and at the University of Hull. In addition, Luiz is co-founder and co-convenor of the Southernising Criminology Discussion Group.
His main research interest is the sociology of punishment and his broader interests include the political economy of punishment, punishment and democracy, police lethality, Southern Criminology, and judicial discretion in sentencing. He has published papers on punishment, penal populism, prison, policing, racism and criminal justice, Southern Criminology, and Criminal Law. His work has been published in English, Portuguese, Italian, and Spanish.