Keeping the Lights on through the Energy Transition: Security of Supply in EU Law

Event date
21 November 2017
Event time
12:30 - 14:00
Oxford week
Clifford Chance Seminar Room
Kaisa Huhta

Security of supply is one of the fundamental objectives of EU energy law. It is addressed through a number of EU legal instruments, which emphasize the importance and role of markets in ensuring security of supply. However, there are growing concerns among EU Member States on the ability of this market-based approach to guarantee the uninterrupted availability of affordable electricity. These concerns are reflected in the wide-spread adoption of State interventions by which Member States provide electricity producers with additional economic incentives to ensure that there is enough generation capacity to meet electricity demand at all times. This IECL lunchtime seminar will explore the EU legal framework for security of supply in the context of the energy transition and discuss how this framework addresses the uncoordinated State interventions adopted in the interest of security of supply.

A sandwich lunch will be available from 12.30. The meeting will begin at 1pm.

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