'The Kalisher Trust at Oxford: Diversity and Careers at the Criminal Bar'.

Event date
16 May 2019
Event time
18:00 - 20:30
Oxford week
Faculty of Law - The Cube

This event promises to be an evening of candid and interactive discussion on diversity and accessibility at the Criminal Bar and will be followed by a networking drinks reception.

Panellists for the event include: • HHJ Richard Marks QC (Common Serjeant of London, Old Bailey, Kalisher Trust Mentor) • Anesta Weekes QC (33 Bedford Row Chambers) • Rosina Cottage QC (Red Lion Chambers) • Dr Tunde Okewale MBE (Doughty Street Chambers) • Edmund Gross (Furnival Chambers, Kalisher Trust Mentor) Students from all universities and levels of study are welcome.

While the event is free, places are limited and so all delegates must register their intention to attend by following this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-kalisher-trust-at-oxford-diversity-and-careers-at-the-criminal-bar-tickets-60393626964

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Equality and Diversity