Issues and Developments in Chinese Media Law and Policy

Event date
7 May 2013
Event time
Oxford week
Manor Road Social Sciences Building
Hui Xue

China’s media environment is a strong focus of attention for journalists and academics around the world. It is seen as the predominant sphere in which political and social change may be fostered, and a bellwether for broader issues in the mercurial China of today. Nonetheless, this debate is often held in black-and-white terms, focusing on censorship and control, while ignoring the much more complex and variegated reality, where fragmented actors continuously negotiate new situations and interests, and where government is often pushed in a reactive role. This term, PCMLP organizes a seminar series that will provide a deeper insight in the different factors shaping regulation and policymaking in relation to the Chinese Internet. These seminars will look at media law and policy developments in China from different angles, in order to provide a more comprehensive view of developments. All are welcome, no registration is necessary. Seminars are followed by drinks and nibbles. For more information, e-mail Dr. Rogier Creemers (convenor):

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