The International Human Rights Law Implications of Cyber Interference Aimed at Influencing Voters
Kate Jones, Director of the Diplomatic Studies Programme at the University of Oxford, and Harriet Moynihan, Chatham House and Visiting Research Fellow at the Bonavero Institute, will be leading a discussion on the implications of cyber interference in elections as it relates to international human rights law.

Kate Jones conducts teaching and research in diplomacy, public international law and human rights law. Her publications focus on counter-terrorism, human rights and sanctions law.
Harriet Moynihan is an Associate Fellow in the International Law Programme at Chatham House, where she runs research projects on cutting edge international law issues, including China’s approach to the International Legal Order, and the application of international law to new technology including cyber operations. Harriet has published articles and papers on a variety of international law topics including state responsibility for aiding and assisting in international wrongful acts, the European Court of Human Rights’ approach to historical deaths under Article 2 ECHR, and China’s evolving approach to international dispute settlement.