Impact Assessments in European contract law: 2nd Expert Round table

Event date
23 - 25 November
Event time
09:00 - 17:00
Oxford week
Somerville College

The two-day Expert Round Table on impact assessments in European contract law asks which options to further develop European contract law should or should not be subjected to further analysis in impact assessments? The Expert Round Table will focus on the Directives subjected to the Regulatory Fitness Check of EU Consumer Law and the draft Directive on contracts for the supply of digital content. The Expert Round Table will focus on policy options that have also been recommended by the Commission’s 2015 Better Regulation Guidelines: alternative content, alternative scope, alternative approaches and better implementation and enforcement. 

Confirmed speakers include: Prof. H.-W. Micklitz (EUI Florence), Prof. S. Whittaker (St. John’s College, University of Oxford), Prof. S. Weatherill (Somerville College, University of Oxford), Prof. H. Beale (University of Warwick), Prof. C. Hodges (Wolfson College, University of Oxford), Prof. V. Mak (Tilburg University); Prof. A. Colombi Ciacchi (University of Groningen), Dr. M. Bartl (University of Amsterdam), Dr. B. van Leeuwen (University of Groningen), Dr. I. Rueda (University of Exter).

Further details and draft programme to follow. 

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Commercial Law