Human Rights Fair
Come along and find out more about the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and the Oxford Human Rights Hub and get to know the different human rights initiatives in Oxford!

Meet student human rights groups, such as Amnesty International, Junior Lawyers Against Poverty, Lawyers Without Borders or Oxford Pro Bono Publico and Oxford Legal Assistance.
Join discussion groups and networks: Oxford Business & Human Rights Network, Oxford Children's Rights Network, Oxford Transitional Justice Research Network, Public International Law Discussion Group or the Migration & Mobility Network.
Get the inside scoop on internships, moot competitions, fellowships, and many other opportunities in the field of human rights.

4.00pm Welcome and Introduction to the Bonavero Institute and the Oxford Human Rights Hub (Auditorium)
5.00pm Short presentations by all the initiatives (Auditorium)
6.00pm Reception & Human Rights Fair (Lower Atrium and Reading Room)
7.00pm End
All welcome! No RSVP necessary.